Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Semi wordless wednesday.....

Who needs a man when you have this type of devotion? I took the picture with my cell phone, which accounts for the grainy quality. That is my stomach she is holding onto........


painted maypole said...

so cute!!!!!

Mary Beth said...

You have such an awesome cat! If she ever goes missing, check the house by the river!

the dragonfly said...


One of my kitties is laying across my stomach right now. Makes typing difficult, but oh well. She loves me. :)

Jen said...

I think your cat is a person - I really do.

Jen said...

I think your cat is a person - I really do.

FENICLE said...

I'm usually not a cat fan...but who can resist that snuggling??

Ms. Skywalker said...

Nothing, and I mean nothing, can compare to the love of a pet, can it?

That utter, complete devotion.

Najia said...

I'm with Jenn. Your cat, my dogs and bird, and all of our pets are priceless. I'm a better person because of my dogs.

Your cat is precious!!!

Jennifer said...

Oh so very sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Your right, who needs a man, such devotion.