I was awakened on monday morning at 3am by a loud bump and then the cat making a noise I had never heard before- it was a sound of helpless pain. A sound that would break your heart.
The best I can fiqure out is that she rolled off the bed in her sleep and landed on her bad wing. I scooped her up off the floor and put her on the bed next to me. After an hour of her carrying on, we went to the emergency vet. I walked into the vet a limp sobbing mess... After xrays, iv fluids, and pain medicine, it would seem that she has fractures the arm socket of the bad wing. They wrapped her in ace bandages and let me bring her home. My friends have gratiously been sitting with her when I at work to make sure she is ok. Hopefully, thursday the bandages will be taken off and she will feel more like herself. For now, she spends alot of time on the couch trying to chew off the bandages. She clearly is doing better- she gets off the couch to eat and use the box but she is insecure and unsure of herself. She feels better with human company.